Questions To Ask Yourself Before Buying a Diagnostic Scan Tool?
When you’re ready to buy a new scan tool for your heavy-duty truck, you have to factor in your needs, your budget, the size of your operation and how you’ll use the tool. If your check engine light comes on during a trip, a scan tool can tell you whether to call an emergency mechanic […]
The Heavy-Duty Parts Report Explores the Diesel Decoder
Roadwarrior and Diesel Laptops’ collaborative project the Diesel Decoder was recently featured on The Heavy-Duty Parts Report! HDPR’s host Jamie Irvine interviewed the Senior Vice President of Diesel Laptops and the Sales Director of Roadwarrior about the Diesel Decoder and how it could benefit the average truck driver. The interview took place at the annual […]
Diesel Decoder Interview With Trucking Expert Max Goulet
Max Goulet runs the regular feature La Minute à Max (Max’s Minute). In it, he explores ways to repair and replace broken HD truck parts and interviews industry experts on new product releases. In his latest video, Max interviewed Roadwarrior’s Sales Director Dave Jerman about our new fault code diagnostic tool! The Diesel Decoder is […]